Tuesday, August 30, 2011

developmental milestone: 0-3 months

i got this from a website (go using hyperlink on what to watch for: 0-3 months)

checking out Joram's development on the list below... excited on his firsts indeed!

what to watch for: 0-3 months

Motor Development

  •  Opens and shuts his hands.
  •  Raises his head and chest while lying on his stomach.
  •  Stretches her legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back. 
  •  Supports her upper body with her arms when lying on stomach. 
  •  Swats at dangling toys placed near him. 
  •  Mouths objects brought to her face. 
  •  Reaches and grasps for things with both hands.
  •  Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface.
  •  Can hold a rattle.
  • Visual Development

    •  Watches faces intently. 
    •  Turns head toward direction of sound. .
    •  Follows moving objects with his eyes.  
    •  Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance.  
    • Language Development

      •  Begins to imitate some sounds. 
      •  Begin to babble. 
      • Social/Emotional Development

        •  Reacts when you sing, call his name, or attempt to play. 
        •  Imitates you when you stick out your tongue. 
        •  Enjoys playing with other people; may cry when playing stops.
        •  Becomes more communicative with face and body. 
        •  Imitates your movements. .
        •  Smiles! Grins! 
        • Cognitive Development

          •  Stares at her hands and fingers. 
          •  Plays with her fingers. .
          •  Brings his hands to his mouth. 
          •  Has accustomed to regular eating and sleeping patterns. 

developmental milestones: 7-12 months

Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
7 monthsSits without support
Drags objects toward herself
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Starts to experiencestranger anxiety
Waves goodbye
Stands while holding onto something
Bangs objects together
Begins to understandobject permanence
8 monthsSays "mama" or "dada" to parents (isn't specific)
Passes objects from hand to hand
Stands while holding onto something
Points at objects
Searches for hidden objects
Pulls self to standing,cruises
Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp
Indicates wants with gestures
9 monthsStands while holding onto something
Jabbers or combines syllables
Understands object permanence
Cruises while holding onto furniture
Drinks from a sippy cup
Eats with fingers
Bangs objects together
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent
10 monthsWaves goodbye
Picks things up with pincer grasp
Crawls well, with belly off the ground
Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent
Indicates wants with gestures
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Puts objects into a container
11 monthsSays "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Understands "no" and simple instructions
Puts objects into a container
Says one word besides "mama" or "dada"
Stoops from standing position
12 monthsImitates others' activities
Indicates wants with gestures
Takes a few steps
Says one word besides "mama" or "dada"
Walks alone
Scribbles with a crayon
Says two words besides "mama" or "dada"

developmental milestones: birth to 6 months

Child's Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)

1 monthLifts head when lying on tummy
Responds to sound
Stares at faces
Follows objects briefly with eyes
Vocalizes: oohs and aahs
Can see black-and-white patterns
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
2 monthsVocalizes: gurgles and coos
Follows objects across field of vision
Notices his hands
Holds head up for short periods
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
Makes smoother movements
Holds head steady
Can bear weight on legs
Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)
3 monthsRecognizes your face and scent
Holds head steady
Visually tracks moving objects
Squeals, gurgles, coos
Blows bubbles
Recognizes your voice
Does mini-pushup
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Turns toward loud sounds
Can bring hands together, bats at toys
4 monthsSmiles, laughs
Can bear weight on legs
Coos when you talk to him
Can grasp a toy
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"
Cuts first tooth
May be ready for solid foods
5 monthsDistinguishes between bold colors
Plays with his hands and feet
Recognizes own name
Turns toward new sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Sits momentarily without support
Mouths objects
Separation anxiety may begin
6 monthsTurns toward sounds and voices
Imitates sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Is ready for solid foods
Sits without support
Mouths objects
Passes objects from hand to hand
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Drags objects toward himself

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

planning Baby's Christening/Dedication

Since we wanted Baby Joram to grow up as a Christian and to be in a church community, indeed, Christening and/or Dedication is the first step.

PS: to be updated next time... baby calls!

Monday, August 8, 2011

diapering DOs and DON'Ts

My Mama and my Mom-in-law are strong advocates for using cloth diapers as they are more comfortable for the baby and also economical.
It may not be comfortable to the caregiver/s (ahem!) as to the need to wash a lot of cloth diapers a day.
They both stress, however, that using cloth diapers would lessen our baby's chance of getting a UTI again and diaper rash.

We first started on using disposable diapers since our baby came home with a heplock or IV port for his antibiotic injection which we don't want to risk soiling.
After the week-long antibiotic therapy, we are shifting from disposable to cloth diapers from time to time.

Yesterday, I saw diaper rash on baby's buttocks which was probably due to more hours on disposable diapers. So now, from prevention, our focus had been on lessening the diaper rash.

Diapering Dos and Don'ts

You'll probably decide before you bring your baby home whether you'll use cloth or disposable diapers. Whichever you use, the baby will dirty diapers about 10 times a day, or about 70 times a week.
Before diapering a baby, make sure you have all supplies within reach so you won't have to leave your baby unattended on the changing table. You'll need:
  • a clean diaper
  • a fastener (if cloth is used)
  • diaper ointment if the baby has a rash
  • a container of warm water
  • clean washcloth, diaper wipes, or cotton balls
After each bowel movement or if the diaper is wet, lay your baby on his or her back and remove the dirty diaper. Use the water, cotton balls, and washcloth or the wipes to gently wipe your baby's genital area clean. When removing a boy's diaper, do so carefully because exposure to the air may make him urinate. When wiping a girl, wipe her bottom from front to back to avoid a urinary tract infection. To prevent or heal a rash, apply ointment. Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly after changing a diaper.
Diaper rash is a common concern. Typically the rash is red and bumpy and will go away in a few days with warm baths, some diaper cream, and a little time out of the diaper. Most rashes occur because the baby's skin is sensitive and becomes irritated by the wet or poopy diaper.
To prevent or heal diaper rash, try these tips:
  • Change your baby's diaper frequently, and as soon as possible after bowel movements.
  • After cleaning the area with mild soap and water or a wipe, apply a diaper rash or "barrier" cream. Creams with zinc oxide are preferable because they form a barrier against moisture.
  • If you use cloth diapers, wash them in dye- and fragrance-free detergents.
  • Let the baby go undiapered for part of the day. This gives the skin a chance to air out.
If the diaper rash continues for more than 3 days or seems to be getting worse, call your doctor — it may be caused by a fungal infection that requires a prescription.

guide for 1st time parents

Yes, we are first time parents. But nearing my debut on our youngest brother's birth had been a first-hand experience for me. Although I must admit that that experience had been nothing compared to being the mother or the primary caregiver.
My husband, on the other hand, is indeed on his first time!
But I must commend him for gathering up the guts to carry our then less than a week old baby. But indeed, there had been other firsts to him other than this.
He got surprised when our baby peed while he was on his arms. He got even more astonished when it was followed by poo! And my hubby was indeed kind of "OA" when it happened which annoyed me at first (since I forgot that this was his first.).
He got his first at changing diapers... at having the baby burp after I feed Joram.

Anyway, I found this article which I think is a lot of help indeed! Aside from the excerpt that I've posted below, there are a lot to learn from this article as well.
(just click on the title)

Handling a Newborn

If you haven't spent a lot of time around newborns, their fragility may be intimidating. Here are a few basics to remember:
  • Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your newborn. Young babies have not built up a strong immune system yet, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who handles your baby also has clean hands.
  • Be careful to support your baby's head and neck. Cradle the head when carrying your baby and support the head when carrying the baby upright or when you lay him or her down.
  • Be careful not to shake your newborn, whether in play or in frustration. Shaking that is vigorous can cause bleeding in the brain and even death. If you need to wake your infant, don't do it by shaking — instead, tickle your baby's feet or blow gently on a cheek.
  • Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat. Limit any activity that would be too rough or bouncy.
  • Remember that your newborn is not ready for rough play, such as being jiggled on the knee or thrown in the air.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

jaundice in newborn

During our first pediatric check-up at 6 days after birth, the doctor also noticed a little yellow discoloration on our baby. And I also asked her to check out baby's sclera (the white part in the eyes) since it seems to be yellowish as well.
Jaundice (yellowish discoloration of the skin), as she reaffirmed to me, is normal in the first days of birth. But she did warned me to report any increase in the yellowish discoloration. Also, she advised us to get at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes of sunlight exposure between 6-7am which we followed.

My husband and I noticed a decrease in baby's yellowish discoloration over two days of consecutive sun exposure. We took off baby's garments as the pediatrician had advised to maximize the surface area of the skin that is exposed to the sun.
However, the days after had been gloomy due to low pressure areas near our area which pulled clouds and rains in.
As much as we love the colder weather that it had brought, it took out baby's sun!

At this time, although baby's jaundice had not increased in intensity, it had not completely disappeared yet.

And so, I research!

I especially love this article on JAUNDICE ON HEALTHY NEWBORNS which had been very informative in a light way (I mean, easily understandable).

I'd like to post my fave excerpts from the article... (my favorite... mainly because it alleviates my worry)

From the types of jaundice below, I first thought that baby Joram had physiologic jaundice among newborns. But since he is more than 2 weeks old, then, he now falls on breast milk jaundice which our pediatrician had warned during our first visit as well.

And since our baby's yellow discoloration had not deepen or increased in any way (by God's grace)... so, we have no reason to call the doctor.
We're due for our first month's check up next week though and surely our doctor would be checking on this again.

Types of Jaundice

The most common types of jaundice are:
Physiological (normal) jaundice: occurring in most newborns, this mild jaundice is due to the immaturity of the baby's liver, which leads to a slow processing of bilirubin. It generally appears at 2 to 4 days of age and disappears by 1 to 2 weeks of age.
Jaundice of prematurity: occurs frequently in premature babies since they are even less ready to excrete bilirubin effectively. Jaundice in premature babies needs to be treated at a lower bilirubin level than in full term babies in order to avoid complications.
Breastfeeding jaundice: jaundice can occur when a breastfeeding baby is not getting enough breast milk because of difficulty with breastfeeding or because the mother's milk isn't in yet. This is not caused by a problem with the breast milk itself, but by the baby not getting enough to drink.

Breast milk jaundice: in 1% to 2% of breastfed babies, jaundice may be caused by substances produced in their mother's breast milk that can cause the bilirubin level to rise. These can prevent the excretion of bilirubin through the intestines. It starts after the first 3 to 5 days and slowly improves over 3 to 12 weeks.
Blood group incompatibility (Rh or ABO problems): if a baby has a different blood type than the mother, the mother might produce antibodies that destroy the infant's red blood cells. This creates a sudden buildup of bilirubin in the baby's blood. Incompatibility jaundice can begin as early as the first day of life. Rh problems once caused the most severe form of jaundice, but now can be prevented with an injection of Rh immune globulin to the mother within 72 hours after delivery, which prevents her from forming antibodies that might endanger any subsequent babies.

When to Call the Doctor

Your doctor should be called immediately if:
  • jaundice is noted during the first 24 hours of life
  • the jaundice is spreading or getting more intense
  • your baby develops a fever over 100° Fahrenheit (37.8° Celsius) rectally
  • if your child starts to look or act sick
Also call the doctor right away if the color deepens, your baby is not feeding well, or if you feel your baby is sleepier than usual. It is difficult to tell how significant jaundice is just by looking at a baby, so any baby who has yellow eyes or skin should be checked by the doctor.

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