i got this from a website (go using hyperlink on what to watch for: 0-3 months)
checking out Joram's development on the list below... excited on his firsts indeed!
what to watch for: 0-3 months
Motor Development
- Opens and shuts his hands.
- Raises his head and chest while lying on his stomach.
- Stretches her legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back.
- Supports her upper body with her arms when lying on stomach.
- Swats at dangling toys placed near him.
- Mouths objects brought to her face.
- Reaches and grasps for things with both hands.
- Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface.
- Can hold a rattle.
Visual Development
- Watches faces intently.
- Turns head toward direction of sound. .
- Follows moving objects with his eyes.
- Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance.
Language Development
- Begins to imitate some sounds.
- Begin to babble.
Social/Emotional Development
- Reacts when you sing, call his name, or attempt to play.
- Imitates you when you stick out your tongue.
- Enjoys playing with other people; may cry when playing stops.
- Becomes more communicative with face and body.
- Imitates your movements. .
- Smiles! Grins!
Cognitive Development
- Stares at her hands and fingers.
- Plays with her fingers. .
- Brings his hands to his mouth.
- Has accustomed to regular eating and sleeping patterns.
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