Saturday, May 8, 2010

our wedding ring...

For the wedding, i think the best run for your money is on the ring. Simply because it's there to stay.

So, I have no quams about spending a little more on our bands. However, it is still best to find that bargain price. Who wouldn't want a discount after all?

We wanted something that is not as common but not that intricate either. I fell in love with this design by Suarez Wedding Rings. They also have a good price. But going to the local jewellers would give me a much lower price.

Dennies wants to have this design as well. Along with the diamonds but I told him it would be more expensive. Not that he's not willing to give me that too.

But anyway, I did want something identical for us. So, I really want a plain one for me too. Not to mention that it is easier to clean without the stones as well. And, he could always give me the diamond/s later. *wink*

Well, there is a local goldsmith in Davao who agreed to do the pair at 15 thousand. I still think we could go less than that. So much for the treasure hunt. They all tell me that the price for gold has been high this time.

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